
Things to do in Shanghai when you’re retired…

people places

“Almost Mile Long” Parade

See more below…


Independance Day on Bainbridge Island


First iPad Photo

el Guapo reveling in the sun…a rarity for us up here in the nearly perpetual rain shadow that traps a thick layer of clouds between the Olympics and the Cascades…


How I Use Lightroom – Part 1 – Basic File Stuff

I constantly have friends asking me how I use Adobe Lightroom.  Luckily, my cousin George invented it. Single-handedly. Just kidding. But he was one of the creators. Proof: His name is on the Splash Screen (or was, until LR3 came out).  Plug for George here.  This is not meant to be a definitive way to use LR. It’s just how I use it, for my needs.  So let’s start there.

My Needs

I have two types of photography: Sports, and everything else.  For the Sports photography, I typically do 500~1,000 shots in one event. For “everything else,” it’s divided into my daily photos (stuff I see when I’m out and about), and planned shoots – professional stuff, trips, etc.