
Market People

Sunday morning was cloudless – a rarety for Saigon – so I went out early and ended up coming across three markets: the local one by my villa, then the giant Phu Nuanh market, then the Tan Dinh one further down the road towards downtown.  Here are a few of my favorite people from the markets…

Exactly my sentiments…


A few more here…

people places things

Seabold Vintage Market

Twice a year, Bainbridge has a very special event – an old-fashioned  vintage style flea market held at the historic Seabold Community Hall on the north end of the island.
Liz Le Dorze, who founded “Seabold Vintage Market” in 2009, keeps it intentionally small with just 4-6 additional local vendors in order to maintain a sense of community.

Yesterday’s event was especially remarkable because the sun came out after a week-long deluge allowing vendors to display an array of wares outside.

The next market will be held in the fall.  Remember:  if you want to get the choice pieces, you have to get there early!   Many more photos below…

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Downward Cat

The last in my series of yoga animals. I promise. Xena did, however, appear earlier on Qamera, and the second photo here is a reprint…

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Sky Texture

Over Sedona

people things

Downward Dogs


My Generation

There’s no question that the rate of change is accelerating. Just this morning I was thinking, “My world was different from my parents’ world.  But the world of our children – and the world they are creating – is far, far more different.”  It’s a world that I can still sort of grasp but which, ten years from now, will probably have accelerated beyond my own diminished capacity for understanding.  Then when I got to the airport, I saw the cover of Time magazine: “The Generation Changing the World.”  Bingo.  But not my generation. This generation.

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A Change of Planes: A very short walk through Shibuya

The red eye from Saigon arrived at 7:00am, and I had about seven hours before the connecting flight was to leave for Seattle.  The weather was beautiful. So I ditched the airport and took the train in to my favorite part of Tokyo, Shibuya – “crowded valley” – popularized by the film “Lost in Translation. Those Japanese are indeed interesting, funny people…

More photos in my Japan Gallery

people places

Wedding Dress Street

Ho Van Hue – the main street near our office here in Saigon – is filled with wedding dress boutiques.  Paradoxically, it also has a more-then-average number of casket shops. Still, from one person’s viewpoint, you’re never too young to start wishing….

More photos in my Vietnam Gallery

people places

Saigon Prayer

There’s something about the garish neon, the smoke, and the piety of prayer.  I’m not sure what, but there’s something…


Proud Mothers

I was invited to a Vietnamese wedding here in Saigon and was expecting to see a traditional wedding but it turned out to just be the reception dinner in a fancy entertainment complex.  Still, I managed to get a photo of the proud mothers of the bride and groom…